Saturday, February 6, 2010

Take Three: The Deep End

The Deep End: Season 1, Episode 3 “To Have and To Hold” (B)

This show is settling into what seems like its normative pattern, and I think I like it. I’m particularly enjoying the bonds forming between all of the newbies at the firm. Beth and Liam’s relationship is heating up and getting more serious despite some bad advice from a bizarrely sedated Rowdy. Beth and Addy were fun together as they only sort of repelled the come-ons of their highly objectionable client, and seeing them get react to the outfits they received was entertaining. Their dynamic with the least intimidating senior lawyer at the firm, Susan, is also great, and I don’t mind the high-fiving as much I might have thought I would. The sweet dynamic building between Addy and Malcolm is also nice, and I’m loving Addy more and more every episode, especially in this one where she declared herself Malcolm’s brother’s lawyer to the principal of the school. Turning to the major case of the episode, it was fantastic to see Hart impart some of his wisdom to Dylan because he really seems like a good guy but he’s still fierce and intimidating to be sure. The big guest star of the week was Julia Ling, who made a splash on “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip” before going on to star in the first two seasons of “Chuck” as Buy More employee Anna. Unfortunately, she was victim of budget cuts and therefore it was good to see her here, even if she didn’t have the chance to do anything comedic. Though it may eventually become tiring, it is nice to see so many positive and life-affirming verdicts for the cases on this show.

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