Friday, February 5, 2010

What I’m Watching: White Collar

White Collar: Season 1, Episode 10 “Vital Signs” (B+)

This was a truly funny and great episode. The best part is how on edge Peter seems to be the whole time, and how his constant frustration is merely entertaining since his friendship with Neal really is solid and true, evidenced by Neal’s touching declaration that Peter is the only one he trusts completely. The fun began with Peter’s anger at Neal for coming in and interrupting their breakfast, and Neal’s nonchalance in response to his irked attitude was amusing. Neal is quite impressive at conning a cop into helping him break into a car, using his greatest skill of dropping names that likely could be real and getting away with it. Mozzie didn’t perform nearly as well under pressure, but his blubbering attempts at flirtation were funny. The best fake flirtation however, came from Peter. The woman’s attraction to him was a great surprise, and his response to it all was perfect. Elizabeth’s reaction to the whole situation was even more hilarious. Her incessant laughing and request to see the surveillance video were extremely fun, and it just got better when she discovered that Peter had given her a very personal backrub. Their phone call coaching scene was fantastic. Peter’s plan to give the not-so-good doctor a number of different symptoms to make him think he was getting deathly ill was brilliant, and I enjoyed it all very much. Another memorable exchange between Peter and Neal: the agent beginning with “let me tell you a story,” and the criminal responding with “that’s really not necessary.”

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