Revolution: Season 1, Episode 11 “The Stand” (F)
I hung on through the first ten episodes of this show back in the fall because the concept truly is cool, and I had hoped that the awful execution would somehow improve with time. Unfortunately, all hopes of that were dashed with this eleventh episode, which reminds just how terribly this show is written, with the worst possible characters and dialogue. The introduction of the helicopter changes things in this universe considerably, but it also means that the power is definitively back, prompting Randall to go for flair and drive to meet Monroe at the end of the episode. The way that this show’s reality played out was never compelling enough, and to take away the one bit of originality it has going for out leaves it doomed for failure. Allying Randall with Monroe makes things very bad for our merry band of rebels, but I’d still rather see a glimpse of the enemy governments which the Monroe Republic plans to quash. Nate has now officially made himself a nomad, and he’ll likely create more trouble for his father, whose lie about his son’s death is sure to be unmasked eventually. Danny firing the rocket launcher, however unrealistic, was helpful, but it’s his own fault for standing around and looking puzzled, as usual, leaving himself right in the line of fire and ensuring his own death. It’s not every mother who cuts out something electronic from her son’s dead body, and let’s hope that whatever she pulled out can help reignite this show’s energy. I doubt it, but the sci-fi fan in me isn’t willing to give up just yet on this immeasurably disappointing show.