Justified: Season 4, Episode 10 “Get Drew” (B+)
Now that Drew’s identity has been revealed, it makes sense that more than a few people would want to get their hands on him. Arresting Boyd was always going to be a temporary measure on Raylan’s part, but it served as a fun opportunity to hear Boyd talk about Raylan’s alternate life as an outlaw. Shelby coming to see Limehouse to get protection for Ellen May was a good chance to see a great cast member from last season, though there was something about this Limehouse who didn’t seem quite as grand or intimidating as he did in the past. The fact that he knew who Shelby actually was turned the tables considerably, and his decision to force Boyd and Ava to choose which of his two prisoners they wanted to purchase created a dramatic confrontation. Boyd would have been unwise not to heed Ava’s plea to look to the future, and Ellen May was understandably not happy with their choice. I did think that Colt was going to snap and kill Shelby, and instead Raylan and the other marshals arrived just in time to save him from certain death at the hands of Nick and Theo’s men. Both Wynn and Boyd are not going to be pleased when they discover that Johnny sold them out to make a deal with Raylan, but that will all have to wait until Raylan and the other good guys figure out a way to, as Raylan put it, get out of Harlan alive.
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