Monday, June 23, 2014

What I’m Watching: Orange is the New Black

Orange is the New Black: Season 2, Episode 3 “Hugs Can Be Deceiving” (B+)

The incorporation of Piper back into our familiar prison system is actually quite positive here, especially since it establishes her as more of a supporting character, with the story no longer being told exclusively through her eyes. What we got that was a treat was the story of Suzanne and how she never quite fit in when she was younger, and then ended up having an incident during her graduation before somehow ending up in prison, a story I’m sure will be told later and hopefully which doesn’t involve too much disturbing violence. Finding out that she came outside and knocked Piper out with two punches to the face is intriguing, and it seems that hug in front of Caputo has resolved Piper’s situation for the moment. More than anything, Piper seems to be fed up with the drama that is caused in prison, and lashing out and threatening to kill Brook was harsh but not all too surprising. Pennsatucky isn’t finding her transition back all that smooth either, and the fact that no one is complimenting her teeth is causing serious issues. Vee has managed to ascend the prison ladder quite quickly, though she’s made some serious enemies in Red and Gloria in the process. It was nice to see her take a shine to Crazy Eyes, giving her a mission, cake, and the chance to play the game that others would only let her keep time for previously. While Lorna got some bad news that made her considerably more emotional than usual, it was great to see Nicky and hear her stories about her sexual escapades.

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