Sunday, June 22, 2014

What I’m Watching: Rectify (Season Premiere)

Rectify: Season 2, Episode 1 “Running with the Bull” (B)

I didn’t think about this show at all from the time it went off the air about a year ago until its return just now. I remember its finale driving home an emotional resonance that had been building over the course of the season, and I’m now reminded of the show’s rather cumbersome pace. Not much happened in this premiere, though I suppose it’s because it was that necessary waking-up-from-a-coma episode. Everything from Daniel’s time spent in prison continues to be deeply disturbing, and it’s not as if he has much more to look forward to once he wakes up. As he remembers his horrific neighbor and resisting the guards coming into his room, his family in the present day is clearly in turmoil, even if they did all manage to make it to the hospital to visit Daniel. Janet is undoubtedly the uniting force of the family, taking time to sit with each of Daniel’s visitors and check in to see how they are doing. Tawney’s time at the hospital was very revealing in terms of the intensity she expressed, and it was no surprise that Ted Jr. didn’t want to come. Amantha, as always, is ready to explode at anyone who rubs her the wrong way, a staunch defender of her brother and an enemy of anyone who might threaten his livelihood. I still see the appeal of this show, but I’m not sure I’m enthralled enough to stick around for a full round of ten episodes this summer.

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