Thursday, December 11, 2008

Golden Globe Nominees: Best Actor in a TV Series – Comedy/Musical

My predictions: 3/5, missing Kevin Connolly and Tony Shalhoub
Who’s missing? Lee Pace (Pushing Daisies) and I don’t think there was ever really any hope for Zachary Levi (Chuck)

Such an oddly-timed surprise to see Kevin Connolly finally nominated for “Entourage.” Everyone thought this was a terrible season yet they chose to reward him now. Tony Shalhoub is back in the mix, which isn’t too much of a shocker since it was his snub last year that was weird. Otherwise, I’m thrilled to see David Duchovny again (as I’m sure is reader CG) as well as Alec Baldwin and Steve Carrell. One last note: Here begins the “Pushing Daisies” shut-out. Too bad for that show.

Who will win? No clue, maybe David Duchovny again.

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