Thursday, June 21, 2018

What I’m Watching: Brockmire

Brockmire: Season 2, Episode 7 “Caught in a Rundown” (B)

I know I sound like a broken record, but shouldn’t Jules have been a crucial participant of any intervention for Brockmire? Maybe she prefers him drunk because then at least she knows they’re both on the same page making bad decisions together. Either way, in this penultimate episode of the season, we finally got to an event that should probably have happened at the very start of this show and will surely happen again since, like Tina Fey in her memorable “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” role, he was drinking through his shirt the entire time. It was fun enough to see the top five people aside from Jules try to get Brockmire to realize that he’s drinking all the time, even if most of them really don’t like him. Charles and Pedro are pretty much the only ones who actually do, and Charles isn’t in Brockmire’s good graces at the moment because of his recent betrayal, even if it really is him looking out for his best interests. Brockmire going after him shows that he does still care for him, and their fates are linked together whether Charles likes it or not. Lucy and Jean haven’t shown much affection for Brockmire in the past and their interference now didn’t feel like a major reintroduction into his life, while Raj managed to impress him by roasting him instead of appealing to him in a kinder way. Opting to drown his sorrows with Carrie Preston’s wild Elle should only make his problems worse, but it should make for an intriguing and worthwhile finale.

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