Monday, December 3, 2007

What I'm Watching: Scrubs

Scrubs: Season 7, Episode 5 “My Growing Pains” (C)

Every scene now just seems so desperately forced. People go out of their way to make problems for other people, most notably Elliot, who after repeated insistence from Dr. Kelso about not wanting a big hoopla for his birthday, forces a party on him only to reveal his age. This hospital does not have terrific record-keeping if Elliot could so easily access his records yet the search for a successor had not been begun by any of the board members. Seeing J.D. and Turk with babies on their chests is weird, especially because it only makes what they are saying all the more true – they are no longer the enthusiastic, loveable characters season one and two featured, but instead they are trying too hard to remain young. I think “Scrubs” could have sustained a long run, but it continues to feel like it should have ended a while ago.

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