Sunday, November 1, 2009

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: Season 2, Episode 7 “Greg Pitikis” (B+)

Leslie really is just on her own page, doing and saying whatever she think she should do regardless of what anyone else thinks, says, or does. Her back-and-forth with Dave in this episode is pitch-perfect, and his monotone responses to all of her illegal threats is priceless. Her instructions to Andy about using excessive force are particularly hilarious, and the three of them really make an odd trio. Leslie’s hatred for Greg Pitikis is flat-out funny, and her refusal to give up on her pursuit is just one of the things that makes her a fantastic character. The revelation that Greg actually went on Craigslist and hired a fake mom to bail him out of jail was an amusing surprise, and exactly the kind of thing that makes Leslie’s outlandish antics seem strangely justified. Amy Poehler and Louis C.K. rock this episode, and their developing relationship is at exactly the right point, where it’s not featured too prominently to a distracting detrimental level but instead referenced only occasionally in the service of preexistent episodic plotlines. Ann’s party is entertaining mostly because of the excitement she herself displays beforehand, and her devastated response to everyone not having a good time. It was obvious that Tom’s arrival would, in whatever weird way, liven things up, though his green card wife’s casual discussion of an impending divorce came as a bit of surprise. I wasn’t able to watch this episode live because I was actually seeing the phenomenal Aziz Ansari in person. Tom Harverford is a great character for him, but the man really is just plain funny all by himself.

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