Friday, May 5, 2023

What I’m Watching: The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: Season 5, Episode 2 “It's a Man, Man, Man, Man World” (B+)

I have strong flashes about future teases, and I think this show is doing a great job in its final season, showing fleeting glimpses that offer more context than we’re realistically going to get without ensuring that the events we see are so tied to where they end up. The older Midge has found success but also continued to live in chaos, with four husbands and a fallout with Susie, which all tracks. It wasn’t too surprising that no one believed that Midge had actually been hired by Gordon, and she had enough trouble trying to convince her new colleagues that she was now an employee. That office is an entirely different kind of ridiculous, but there’s such a fun cast involved, including Eddie Kaye Thomas as Adam, Michael Cyril Creighton as Mel, and Peter Friedman as the much-hated George. The bathroom song and her obsession with sitting outfits were highlights, as was the episode-closing emphasis that she knew her joke about Eisenhower and diapers was funny. I loved that she ran into - and tried to run away from - Sylvio on the train, and asking Joel if he shrunk because he was wearing someone else’s clothes was also hilarious. It’s good that even Zelda gets a secret relationship she wasn’t hiding that only Susie bothered to notice, and the romantic developments between Abe and Rose were quite awkward and amusing. Gabe’s reaction to Abe very directly asking him about what that touch on the leg meant was fun to watch, and I like that Abe’s first response to a near-affair was to take his wife to that same place to recreate the moment with her.

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