Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 4, Episode 9 “The Devil You Know” (B+)

Leave it to this show to follow up the intense ending scene of last week’s episode with an hour too busy to really address its implications, instead busy focused on other, more pertinent problems facing its characters. I like that Root came to the rescue, ready with a plan to evade cameras and say off the radar, though Shaw was hardly an easy passenger. Root leading Shaw to the wrong location so that she could tranquilize her and ensure that she wouldn’t blow everyone’s cover was the right thing to do, but Shaw is not going to be happy about it, and is not going to accept her situation quietly. Fusco being questioned about pulling over the truck that was smuggling Shaw and Root was too close for comfort, and now the least intelligent and least well-informed member of the team has been exposed. That should be the main worry for this group if they heed Elias’ warning to steer clear of his war with Dominic, but we know that Reese and Finch won’t do that. Elias is such an interesting character, perpetually a villain but rarely an enemy of our friends, only a threat at one point in this episode when he pulled a gun on Reese so that he would retreat to safety. Anthony’s demise was unfortunate since we’ve seen him be nothing but loyal, but it seems like he was ready for what was coming, and a war is most definitely on the horizon, which seems sure to attract the attention of Samaritan and put our friends in its crosshairs.

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