Monday, August 15, 2011

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice

Burn Notice: Season 5, Episode 8 “Hard Out” (B+)

Putting Michael’s alleged complicity in the murder of Max on hold is perfectly fine by me if it produces terrific episodes like this. I’m becoming a huge fan of Lauren Stamile’s Agent Pearce, and having her go on a mission with Michael is almost as exciting as the two of them bringing Jesse along for the ride in the Caribbean. Their plan b proved to be absolutely fantastic, as they decided to pose as mercenaries hired to find Cahill so that they wouldn’t get themselves killed by Vanderwaal and his men. I loved that it turned into them ordering his men around, and Michael managed to be rather gutsy and witness a man’s execution and come out strong. Getting the men to surrender their weapons right before being arrested by the CIA was almost as satisfying as Agent Pearce punching him in the face. Jesse and Pearce were a whole lot of fun together, and I liked Pearce’s post-mission reaction: “your brand of espionage is hell on the nerves.” I’m always thrilled to see Henri Lubatti finding himself another role, and he was decently amusing here in an ultimately small part as Steve Cahill. Fiona had her own things to do in this hour as Armand gave her a fresh perspective on just how much she does for Michael without getting much in return. I enjoyed her initial comment to Madeleine, which rings particularly true, about Michael’s relationship skills: “He still doesn’t know that couples do things besides fight multinational conspiracies.”

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