Sunday, August 7, 2011

What I’m Watching: Damages

Damages: Season 4, Episode 4 “Next One’s On Me, Blondie” (B+)

Ellen’s initial daydream about Chris coming back to the US just to give her a kiss was too good to be true. It’s all but guaranteed that Chris is the one being tortured, hooded, and presumably ultimately killed in the flash-forwards to three months in the future. What was especially fascinating about this episode was the chain of command, with Jerry telling Howard that he needed to produce results, Howard being extremely against the idea, and AC asking once for clarification then simply following orders. The juxtaposition of Howard delivering his passionate sermon about sacrifices and the military with Sanchez being tortured by his former friend was powerful but hard to watch, and Jerry telling Howard moments later that he no longer needs the name was devastating since Howard is clearing transforming into a person he doesn’t want to be without any control over it. Nasim’s purpose turned out to be entirely different from what was indicated at the end of the last episode, but it doesn’t seem that he’s going to be surviving for too long if Jerry has any say in it, despite the presence of those tailing him. Judd Hirsch’s Bill Herndon seems like an unstable character at best, but he did manage to turn up some rather crucial evidence against High Star pretty quickly. I have a feeling that Patty is going to give it to Ellen despite her initial indications, and hopefully Ellen will have a fighting chance against the omniscient juggernaut that is High Star.

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