Sunday, August 7, 2011

What I’m Watching: Rescue Me

Rescue Me: Season 7, Episode 4 “Brownies” (B+)

It’s no surprise that Tommy’s interview was going to get him into trouble. The entire time that he was ranting and raving was rather powerful, and it was quite a formidable rant. What was considerably less expected was the positive reaction from Sheila and the Gavin women, who for once seemed to unilaterally support Tommy speaking up and taking a stand for his beliefs and attitudes. Franco, on the other hand, was very upset, and for him to bring up his anger immediately after Tommy saves his life means that he’s not just going to let this go. Asking Feinberg for help getting a promotion to lieutenant probably won’t serve him well either due to the chief’s deteriorating condition. Tommy’s visit to Kelly’s home proved to be rather volatile as well, as she expressed her rage about not being able to be the perfect cancer patient and having no direction now that she’s no longer sick. She managed to one-up Denis Leary in terms of furious fuming, and tremendous credit is due to Maura Tierney. She wasn’t too nice to him at the end either, asking him if he thinks his kisses work some kind of magic on women and then telling him that she doesn’t want to be him, with his god and ghosts. The supporting plotlines were decently entertaining, particularly Teddy’s quick decision to atone for a previous Irish wedding by paying for Black Shawn’s deposit and Sean having trouble discerning just what it was about his new girlfriend’s place that smelled so unbearably bad.

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