Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 4, Episode 9 “Let’s Get Out of Here” (B+)

This show continues to be incredibly enthralling as Antonia singles herself out as one of the few with a truthful vendetta against vampires willing to do them unconditional harm and have innocent people die in her quest to reveal their true nature to the world. When everything is put together on this show, it all ends up being pretty damn cool, for a bunch of reasons. Sookie’s telepathy, for one thing, is insanely useful, as she deduces that Debbie is actually trying to help her and then reads Tara’s mind to figure out what’s really going on and escape with her life. Jesus is awesome, telling Terry he’s a nurse so he didn’t understand his violent action plan and then resolving the entire baby-in-backyard situation by just having some faith. Lafayette’s return was marked with a very characteristic “You got it, bitch.” Sookie’s dream about being in love with both Bill and Eric was fun, but that will have to wait until everyone is safe and sound, which may take a while now that Marnie has orchestrated something infinitely worse than the Russell Edgington incident. I enjoyed Alcide’s skepticism about who might be listening to a werewolf and a vampire praying, and I like how Alcide’s being incorporated into the storyline as Marcus’ new right-hand man. The reveal that Tommy went in Sam’s place to see Marcus while the real Sam was camping was well-done, and I wonder if that will make things better or worse. Hoyt seems entirely done with Jessica, and so it’s good that Jessica invited Jason into her house and they ended up having some pretty crazy sex in the truck.

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