The Following: Season 1, Episode 11 “Whips and Regret” (C)
My faith in law enforcement is completely gone, and the FBI’s lack of reliability elevates this show’s predictability factor enormously. Ryan’s assurances to a clearly worried Debra that nothing would happen to Haley Mercury were futile because they managed both to send her into a dangerous situation wearing a wire for no reason because nothing that Vince said would be used to implicate him in anything later, and then they managed to spook him by tailing him when they could instead have put a tracker on his car. Unlocking the cage with the cult members inside was a particularly dumb move, and yet another reinforcement of the idea that the FBI needs to be much better trained, not allowing its team members to split up and thus leave themselves vulnerable to death because there were searching an area alone. Joe is not doing a good job of keeping his followers in line, and his constant mistreatment of Roderick, his previously loyal and dependable deputy, is going to be his ultimate downfall, I think. Jacob’s new personality seems rather forced, and I’m sure Emma will also start unraveling now that Claire is there to take Joe’s attention. I still have problems with its legitimacy, but it looks like Jennifer Ferrin’s Molly is set to drive the show’s most compelling plotline right now, seducing Ryan and distracting him just long enough to put him in a vulnerable spot and, after her mission for Joe is finished, be the one to kill him.
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