Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What I’m Watching: Nashville

Nashville: Season 1, Episode 17 “My Heart Would Know” (C+)

This was hardly the best episode of this show, treading familiar territory without really covering any new ground at all. Juliette’s behavior in particular is deplorable, and her reaction to her mom trying to kiss Dante was horrible. Dante so strongly shifting his behavior doesn’t exactly track with his past record, and I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before he either gets tired of Juliette’s attitude or chooses to follow someone else who might offer him more power. Back in Nashville, things with Lamar were considerably more dramatic, mainly because of the breaking news that Rayna’s mother had an affair with a major musician we know. Deacon running to Rayna’s side when she called him was sweet, but he shouldn’t be going around giving keys to his house to other people if he’s not going to be upfront about where his priorities and allegiances lie. Tammy taking over Lamar’s stake in the stadium deal should drive a further wedge between Teddy and his ex-wife’s family, and something tells me that, somewhat deservedly, Peggy is going to suffer the consequences most. Gunnar’s new buddy has done a good job of getting him to focus on what’s truly important, and I just hope that Scarlett’s newfound sweet success won’t impact what looks to be a healthy relationship. At least they’re better off than Avery, who really is scraping the bottom of the barrel in his business and is likely to cause friction between Dante and Juliette that I suspect will lead to him getting punched.

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