Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What I’m Watching: Shameless

Shameless: Season 2, Episode 4 “A Beautiful Mess” (B+)

How nice it is for every child in the extended Gallagher family to have a friend. With so much stress, it’s no surprise that Debs has developed a rash, and it’s fun to see her try to find appropriate friends to invite over, starting with her chess buddy who clearly likes her, and a promiscuous fifteen-year-old who’s been held back and wants to get with Lip, who fortunately is smart enough to throw her off of him. Carl’s friend Hank seems to be the object of Debs’ affection, and I do hope that we get to see the R-rated movie trip. Even Ethel gets a love interest, as Kevin’s basketball kid Malik also has a child and is up for coming over for a play date. There was some switching of sibling allegiances in this hour, with Lip having sex with Mandy during the party and then sending her to Jody to try to get him to slip and sleep with her. That seems to have been the boiling point for Karen, who reveals that she’s pregnant with Lip’s child, which is certain to make him refuse to give up on her. Frank put so much effort into trying to scare Sheila off the streets, highlighting by his one-armed friend’s visit that scared Jody and his gun training with Mickey. The most unusual guilty party in this episode was Fiona, who was the subject of much screaming and yelling as Craig’s wife came by with her baby to beat her up and then ultimately came back with her husband to resolve the situation. Frank has never been prouder of his eldest daughter.

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