Saturday, February 2, 2013

Four More Shows I Won’t Be Watching (Anymore)

This past October, facing an ever more crowded fall TV season, I decided to give up on five shows which were inciting anger in me for various reasons. Now, as midseason is fully in swing, I find myself coming to a similar decision again, though the fact that I’m giving up on these four particular shows is less about resentment towards them and more about the fact that other shows are just better and more consistent. I’m proud to say that I haven’t checked in with any of the five I swore to give up in October, and I’m not sure that I’ll be following along with these four either. Effective this past week, I am longer reviewing the following shows.

1. Arrow: I stuck with “Smallville” for ten seasons in the hope that it would only again return to its original quality. This CW superhero show was never terrific, and my hopes that it would improve have been dashed, as lead actor Stephen Amell continues to be unenthusiastic and the show heads in unexciting directions.

2. Nikita: I was as surprised as anyone that this show got renewed for a third season. The events of the second season finale set up season three to be something wholly new, and what has resulted is a disorganized mess, with so many agents on call and alternately appearing in episodes that it’s hard to keep anything straight. And the writing is, unfortunately, still terrible.

3. Suits: I always enjoyed this show, and watched it through its first season and the first half of its second season. But I’m growing tired of its eccentric plotlines and exaggerated characters, particularly Louis, and I feel that this might be more worthwhile as a quick marathon to catch up at the end of the season rather than essential weekly viewing.

4. White Collar: This one is actually my most lamentable drop, I think, since I didn’t even realize that I had missed the midseason premiere until a few days after it aired. Worse still, I didn’t particularly care, which is a shame since this show was always entertaining, if nothing else. Like its USA companion Suits, this is a series I might return to via marathon one rainy day.

Are there any other shows I watch you think I should stop watching?

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