Monday, February 4, 2013

What I’m Watching: Vegas

Vegas: Season 1, Episode 13 “Road Trip” (C+)

I liked half of this episode and really didn’t care for the other half. The positive part was Jones agreeing to a deal with Katherine only to use the new braces he got (quite quickly, as a matter of fact) to bust out of prison and leave a trail of bodies in his wake. The best residual effect of his escape was Katherine alluding to Ralph that she didn’t want to have any regrets about their current nonexistent relationship. Dixon managed, for once, to think with his brain rather than be overcome by an attractive woman and to deduce that the victim was actually the perpetrator in the family of performers whose patriarch was portrayed by Doug Savant of “Desperate Housewives” fame. Jack was a bit busy for the length of the episode being tortured by an angry Johnny, and, as Vincent had predicted, Johnny ended up taking a bullet in the process of trying to take out Jack. It took longer than it needed to, but I suppose Jack will now have to try to win Mia back after she finds out that he killed her father. Vincent’s spontaneous decision to tag along with his guys for a desert meeting proved to be immeasurably lamentable, and the attempted comedy of the three men almost dying of dehydration and starvation was lost on me. The truck driver’s daughter running to give him her copy of “To Kill a Mockingbird” was also extremely over-the-top. At least Vincent finally ran into Jones on the way home, and hopefully having him work for Vincent will prove interesting.

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