Friday, April 14, 2023

What I’m Watching: Bel-Air

Bel-Air: Season 2, Episode 7 “Under Pressure” (B+)

I find it much less stressful when Will and Carlton are getting along, and the notion of friendly competition is never a good way to keep things cool. The reason that Will is a wild card choice is that he’s not the typical Bel-Air kid, and he doesn’t care about the history of the award because that’s not relevant to what he can do with his life. Things didn’t look good for Carlton when that video of him and his teammates came out, and he’s headed down an unfortunate road, recording yet another vulnerable confession and then indulging in drugs after that. Drew is easily the most detestable new focus of this season, just eager to get with Lisa and to do whatever he can to cut Will and Carlton down in the process. Doc at least seems to have some interest in shaping Will into a successful athlete, even if he knows that he’ll benefit as a result. Phil’s outrageously appealing job offer certainly seems great, but his history with Erika will likely be a problem. I was excited to recognize Joivan Wade from “Doom Patrol” as Frederick, who was relatively open to meeting his father but understandably hurt by the fact that everyone raved about how he was like family when he hadn’t gotten to experience that with him. Phil talking to him was an important moment that showed just how much he likes to reward loyalty with that very same loyalty to those closest and dearest to him.

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