Sunday, July 22, 2007

In Praise of Show Previews

Making a show look good through promotional ads that may run for up to a few months before the premiere is half the battle for me. I love when I see a preview that makes me want to watch a show, whether it showcases scenes that look great or it just seems like or a good show, or if the ad is simply very clever (FX leads the way in those). The best ads to this point that I have seen:

"Dirt" (FX)
Even though the show turned out to be terrible, the previews were direct-to-the-point and ingenious. Courteney Cox walks over to a male model or faceless celebrity and places her hand on his chest. When she walks away, there is a handprint made of dirt. (finished its first season, yet to be renewed for a second season)

"The Riches" (FX)
This simply looked like an amazing show, partially based on the fact that the preview ended with the title of the show and a voiceover by Minnie Driver, "What if I like it?" The teaser ads, with Eddie Izzard talking about the American dream and how he "took the shortcut" were funny and very intruiging. (airing now)

"The Shield" (FX)
The preview starts with a shot of L.A. which zooms in swiftly until we see Vic and Shane standing in a cemetery looking down on a grave. He looks at the camera with a determined, vengeful glare before the camera swoops above his head and fades into the title of the show. (airing now)

"Rescue Me" (FX)
The teaser ads for season three from last year were beyond clever. Denis Leary is put into numerous scenarios where he walks into a bar, or through the street, while he is on fire. Direct to the point, and basically says what he show is about. The ads that have just begun for the current season are great too. Denis Leary madly drives a fire truck through New York City while another Denis Leary hangs on to the back of the truck. They are very representative of the show. (returns in June)

"Heroes" (NBC)
During Thursday night's "30 Rock," a preview for the long-awaited (by me and by avid "Heroes" fans") preview for the superhero drama added. Set to Nickelback's song "If Everyone Cared," it showcases scenes both old and new, but the brilliance is in the selection and ordering of the clips. Making a show look like the best thing ever is certainly a plus, and this promo tries hard and for me succeeds quite well. It begins with Claire saying, "What's wrong with wanting to be normal," flashing forward to Peter asking her "By saving you, did I save the world," and her quotable response, "I don't know, I'm just a cheerleader." A flash of fun and confusing images featuring Nathan, HRG (Horn-Rimmed Glasses, a.k.a. Claire's dad), Claire, and Sylar appear on screen, including many of Claire running as she always tends to do, but it's the ending that really seals the deal. The newly-introduced Linderman leans down and asks Nikki's son,with the proud mother smiling at his side, "how would you like to save the world today?" I know I'm excited. (returning April 23)

I would also like to take a moment to praise the new Sopranos print ads, with James Gandolfini and other cast members in the foreground with famous monuments in black and white in the background, with the priceless tagline, "Made in America." The Sopranos premieres its final season this Sunday, April 8.

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