Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pilot Review: Dirty Sexy Money

Dirty Sexy Money (ABC)
Premiered September 26 at 10pm

If nothing else, this show is a lot of fun. Every single one of the Darlings is so absurd that the craziness of their characters almost makes up for the impossibility of their existence. The attorney general who has common affairs with transvestites, the heiress who tells her groom-to-be intimate stories about her previous lovers in front of both men, and the angry hothead who somehow became a member of the clergy are just a few of the ridiculous family members. This also has got to be the least look-alike family I have ever seen. Donald Sutherland is in a far better role here as the Darling patriarch than the one he had in "Commander-in-Chief" two years ago. Grounding all the insanity is the always great Peter Krause as the dependable but wary family lawyer. It a mixed blessing to see Krause here, because, like all the other "Six Feet Under" cast members working on other shows right now, it seems highly unlikely that he will ever be able to find a show or role as good as the one he previously had (exception: Michael C. Hall on "Dexter"). This show definitely needs some work, and it may just become too ridiculous for its own good. I could go for another installment, though this vigilante hunt for his father's killer is certainly not helping matters.

How will it work as a series? It runs the risk of mocking itself too overtly, but I think it will be popular enough.
How long will it last? I do not know about ratings, but given the buzz and high anticipation of the show, I assume it should be a smash hit. It may wear itself too thin by the end of the season. Additionally, "Commander-in-Chief" debuted to incredible numbers and got cancelled before the end of its season two years ago, so it is a bit early to tell.

Pilot grade: B-


Unknown said...

I would have to disagree with your assessment of the pilot episode. I think the characters are absurd to the point of ridiculousness. The show is far too much of a parody of the wealthy and therefore, ironically, can not be taken seriously. I did find parts funny but I do see this getting a bit tiring with the same outrageous personalities time in and time out.

Unknown said...

I would have to disagree with your assessment of the pilot episode. I think the characters are absurd to the point of ridiculousness. The show is far too much of a parody of the wealthy and therefore, ironically, can not be taken seriously. I did find parts funny but I do see this getting a bit tiring with the same outrageous personalities time in and time out.

Spanco said...

I think its good tv show. The characters and scenes are fantastic. I have seen some eps of Dirty Sexy Money TV Show, but from that eps i believe that its wonderful show.

Anonymous said...

Nice review. I like Dirty Sexy Money TV Show. Its nice show to watch online. I have seen this show on net from then till now I used to watch this show online.

Anonymous said...

I have not seen this series. Actually I like to watch comedy series and I like to Watch TV Shows Online all the time. Thanks.