Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives: Season 3, Episode 17 "Dress Big" (B)

The return of "Desperate Housewives" is nice, save for the fact that much of the story feels like it has happened before. Tom and Lynette having problems separating work life from home life, Susan being clumsy, Gabrielle being shallow (and by the way, where the hell is Marcia Cross? I presume this episode was filmed while she was pregnant). Yet the show hasn't lost its sparkle or gone down to the quality of the second season, which was ridiculous plotline after ridiculous plotline. New elements keep it fresh, such as John Slattery as Gabrielle's suitor, and the new, surprisingly deep relationship between Carlos and Edie. It is too bad, of course, that once we're starting to like Mike again, it looks like he's giving up on Susan...or is he?

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