Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: Jericho

Jericho: Season 1, Episode 16 "Winter's End" (C+)

The show is certainly headed in a good direction, I'm not worried about that, but this episode focused on aspects aren't necessarily so related to the overall theme of the show and that truthfully aren't very interesting. April was never a character that was overly sympathetic or who stood out as a character, and devoting an episode mostly to her only creates drama with Eric and Mary, who in the midst of all this chaos don't really need any more problems. Conflict over fair trading was far more engaging with Jonah way back when, and the departure of most of the men on the show is slightly strange, especially since usual loner Jake is not among the pack. This seems to be just a weak episode in the middle of a great freshman season.

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