Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: Lost

Lost: Season 3, Episode 16 "One of Us" (B)

Reminder: many spoilers included. Do not read below if you plan to watch the episode.

I am not sure how I am supposed to feel after this episode. I feel manipulated and lied to, but I am sort of excited since I think that is how I am supposed to react. Unfortunately, my excitement is not so great because I fear that this is the last set of real answers we will get for a while. Nonetheless, this was a generally fascinating episode, with the first real history of the Others and how they came to the island. The transformation from researchers to possessive kidnappers is a bit strange, and just when we thought we had all the answers and could trust Juliet, the rug was pulled out from under us. Certainly a great ending, and the preview looks awesome, but I worry that half of the characters from this episode won't appear in the next one. And where is Locke? I would love some answers about him. But this episode is definitely a step in the right direction, and I am hooked again.

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