Sunday, July 22, 2007

What I'm Watching: NCIS

NCIS: Season 4, Episode 21 "Brothers in Arms" (B-)

It is not so right for me to review "NCIS," since I rarely give it the attention it deserves, and more often than not, loses me with its somewhat far-fetched plotlines. This episode is the epitomy of that description. The NCIS director, who I have never been the biggest fan of, takes center stage after she makes a mistake that gets an informant killed. I think that the show, which was at its greatest with the bantering relationship between Kate and Tony in its first two seasons, should give Ziva more attention, as she lately has been reduced to mixing up English expressions. And McGee should also be given more of a role not so related to his secret identity as an author who writes books based on his personal life. Tony has been great in the spotlight, and he should certainly stay, provided he has some legitimate relationships with his teammates (and Abbey and Ducky, who are great too).

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