Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What I’m Watching: Hell on Wheels

Hell on Wheels: Season 3, Episode 5 “Searchers” (B+)

This episode’s title is very fitting since it evokes the classic 1956 John Ford/John Wayne film in which a cowboy searches endlessly for his niece, who has been captured by Native Americans. In this case, the search wasn’t nearly as time-consuming or draining, but it was just as intense, as Elam nearly killed a few people in his pursuit of his missing daughter, and, for once, Cullen had to be the voice of reason. Elam explaining to Cullen that he recognizes that the baby is white but that she’s his was powerful, and it’s good to see Cullen stick by his friend even if he disagrees completely with his plan. Things aren’t being made easy for Cullen thanks to Durant’s convenient visit during which he offered a reward to whoever could find the baby and acted like the big hero when Cullen was made to look like the unorganized bad guy. It’s interesting to see the McGinnes brothers on different sides of that feud, and their separate allegiances will likely drive them even further apart as time goes on. Psalms got a great chance to shine as he nearly murdered Declan Toole, who it turns out is a cop in NYC, and had his first time in the spotlight in a while. There was no better way to end the episode than for the rains to fall while the Swede was narrating biblical talk to the newly-baptized eight-year-old Mormon boy Ezra, marking this show’s distinct style and tone.

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