Saturday, September 28, 2013

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 6, Episode 3 “Poenitentia” (B+)

I’ve always been impressed with the montages this show puts together, which sometimes come from out of nowhere but prove to be very effective in summarizing what’s going on and showcasing the events in an extraordinarily compelling light. I didn’t appropriately express my enthusiasm last week at the casting of CCH Pounder as District Attorney Tyne Patterson, now the sixth former cast member from another terrific FX drama, “The Shield,” to stop by this show. Her partnership with Toric and actually hiring of him is disconcerting, especially considering his accidental shooting of the prostitute he was sleeping with and his brutal torture methods. It’s much more worrisome to see how he reacts to his gun going off, which is to kill her without a second thought and then figure out how to get rid of the body. It was good to see Roosevelt again, and nice to know that actor Rockmund Dunbar is still interested appearing on this show, even if his character no longer tolerates SAMCRO. While Clay is on the inside figuring out the best way to deal with his situation, it’s impressive to see Jax and Barosky work together to take care of their problems, in this instance a drive-by shooting that nearly got Collette hurt. Tara may be pregnant, but that’s not as big a deal as Wendy pretending to get attacked to get Jax to help her out. And of course there’s Tig, who looks like he might finally be in for his end, though I suspect the more business-minded Marks, played by actor Billy Brown, also currently appearing on “Hostages,” may have some better use for Tig than the simple revenge Pope had planned.

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