Burn Notice: Season 5, Episode 14 “Breaking Point” (B+)
It’s worrisome to me to think that Anson, clever and manipulative as he is, probably is well aware of the efforts being taken by Fiona and Sam to tail him and break into his apartment. I’m comforted, however, by the fact that Anson is an expert in all things Michael, which doesn’t necessarily mean that he knows how his friends work or how deep their loyalty runs. Fiona hiding under a moving car to plant a tracker on his car was fairly intense, and I liked her line to the shocked boys watching her, “Don’t try this at home.” Fiona and Sam do have very different ways of operating, and therefore it’s an absolute delight to see them working together and bickering endlessly. Meanwhile, Michael had a personal matter to settle which, interestingly enough, wasn’t even related to his attempt to delay doing what Anson required of him. Jesse was correct in suggesting that both Michael and Ricky needed to put some distance between them and Andre’s killer Dion, something which nearly had Ricky killing a whole building full of people. Michael’s solution was extremely creative and successful, ultimately sending Dion into lifelong solitary following his full confession. Both Michael and Jesse were hilarious as they played their characters for Dion’s benefit. The closing moments of the episode showed Michael crossing a line he wouldn’t ever be able to go back over, and I suspect it’s going to eat at him just as much as his quest to reverse his burn notice has for so long now.
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