Sunday, November 6, 2011

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: Season 4, Episode 6 “End of the World” (B+)

There’s nothing like the end of the world to get people to act really crazy, and that’s the case with the cult that Pawnee would of course have, the Reasonabilists, whose name would make people think that they had to be a reasonable group. Chris’ characterization that they live on Planet Nut Brain, while he lives on Planet Nut Bran, was accurate, and that zaniness made them all the more entertaining. I like how Ron found his own way to get some use out of them, selling them flutes to the Zorpies on the eve of the end of the world, fully prepared to cash the checks they jokingly tell him he can cash tomorrow. Tom helped Entertainment 720 go out with a bang, using every dime he and Jean Ralphio had left to host a party that’s all a VIP area but has several extra-VIP areas within it, one of which even the two of them couldn’t enter. The shuttle vans to take drunk people home and the gift bags for designated drivers were my favorite part, though it was also wonderful to see Lucy return for a moment, kiss Tom, and then tell him it was the best party she had ever been to, even if Jean Ralphio invited her to try to get with her himself. Ben not wanting to be alone with Leslie is sad but makes sense, and I’m very glad that he didn’t sleep with Shauna Malwae-Tweep, who has now literally hit on everybody in Pawnee. April’s desire to do everything on Andy’s bucket list was wonderful, and led to an alternately hilarious and endearing montage. I loved Jerry’s cameo in their role play slash stunt, and Andy’s excitement at being able to hold a thousand dollars in dollar bills and nickels. Those two really are a unique couple, and I’m looking forward to watching the web series based on their trip.

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