Chuck: Season 5, Episode 3 “Chuck Versus the Frosted Tips” (B+)
This was both a fun and productive episode, which featured some unusual interactions and changed characters. I think this installment proves that Morgan being outfitted with the Intersect was a strong plot element, since it enabled Joshua Gomez to create an entirely new personality and to underscore the serious of the threat being leveled against everyone at Carmichael Industries, mostly by Decker. What I love most about this show is that Chuck was able to resolve everything by going back to pantsing, both performing the act and helping Morgan recall their mustache-laced seventh grade revenge. Seeing Morgan as an instructor mercilessly taking out his students provided a gateway into how this show could have been entirely different, if the Intersect had been abused like that by Chuck. The helipad-set confrontation between Gertrude’s people and Chuck’s was very funny, resulting in two makeout sessions and the target surrendering himself because everyone seemed crazy. Gertrude and Casey really are a great pair, and the mutual attraction makes a lot of sense. Back at the Buy More, Awesome’s boredom with babysitting his daughter led to a likely unprecedented checkup on Jeff, which, following his cessation of sleeping in the van, seems to have turned him into a frighteningly normal human being, much to Lester’s horror. I’m more actively concerned, however, with Beckman’s warning about Morgan being marked for death, and that bomb he’s about to set off which could theoretically send this show towards a very tragic end if the Bearded Bandit doesn’t survive.
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