Psych: Season 6, Episode 5 “Dead Man’s Curve Ball” (B)
This episode contained a number of funny moments, but this show still isn’t at its best. Both Juliet and Lassiter, not to mention the Chief, barely appeared in this hour, and I feel like this installment was all too focused on the guest cast in a way that completely ignored the regular supporting characters. The heavy hitters, pun intended, were Danny Glover as Mel and Michael Trucco from “Battlestar Galactica” and “Fairly Legal” as Cal, both of whom opted for drier performances rather than overtly comic turns. Shawn’s strong desire to go undercover as one of the players resulted in his assignment as coach slash perceived towel boy, though he definitely beat out Gus, who had to pose as the mascot and ended up doing the Macarena and the Worm since something in the suit that might have been alive was making me itch. The amount of infidelity and cheating on the team led to an amusing breakout of infighting during the game, and Shawn used quite a novel technique to get Izzy’s urine sample. I did laugh at loud three times during the episode, all as a result, no surprise, of Shawn’s antics. His question, “Why would he leave those out,” was answered obviously by Gus with, “Because he’s dead!” but what really got me was “Why are you talking so fast?” / “Why are you hearing so slow.” In an episode severely lacking in psychic moments, Shawn listing all the random things he believes in before accusing Cal of murder was a high point.
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