Enlightened: Season 1, Episode 5 “Not Good Enough Mothers” (B+)
Amy has now been firmly established as the kind of person who genuinely cares about other people, but whose eccentricity and sunny nature often causes others to think that she might be less than sincere. The story of a woman with two American-born children being deported is just the kind of thing to get her really worked up and decide to be passionate all of a sudden about a particular cause. Her car breaking down proved to be truly inconvenient, and her mother not allowing her to borrow her car, due both to a decades-old accident and her not being insured, made things even worse. Leave it to Amy, however, to be enlightened and find some meaning in the situation, picturing everyone on the bus as her mother. Dougie is shaping up to be the world’s worst boss, if that wasn’t already the case, proclaiming that he can be nice guy but he can also be a serial killer if people don’t take their jobs seriously enough. Tyler seems to be Amy’s only friend at work, though even he can’t be part of her new poorly-named club, WAA. Krista was basically forced to invite Amy to her baby shower, and it’s a shame that well-meaning Amy decided to make the shower her moment to pitch WAA to the other women, and I can applaud her only for leaving politely when asked rather than making another scene. It’s hard to climb back up when everyone else seems to want to hold you down, and Amy is doing her best under the circumstances.
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