Dexter: Season 6, Episode 6 “Just Let Go” (B+)
This episode is groundbreaking for one reason above all others, and that’s because Dexter has never really had this kind of connection to someone else, where he really feels understood. Even Rita, his own wife, didn’t fulfill that role since she had no idea what kind of person he was. Dexter’s notion of preying on the person that shot Brother Sam rather than praying was quickly dashed when Sam, in his dying moments, called him in to ask him to tell Nick that he forgave him instead of avenging his death. Dexter didn’t do too well with that information, and the pained look on his face said so much. Drowning him despite Sam’s wishes said even more, and also put Dexter in an unusual position of not being in control, killing him out of rage in the moment without any meticulous planning. Having Leo slip through his fingers earlier on and get gunned down by Mike was another such moment, leading to an alarming pattern of Dexter not being on top as he usually is. I’m enjoying Louis’ fascination with Dexter, and it’s surprising and interesting to learn that he is actually a video game developer and is simply looking to understand homicide for his next game. Deb is not having an easy time in her new position, and discovering that Quinn slept with their key witness hurts a lot. Seeing him show up to her otherwise successful housewarming party was like watching a train wreck, and I’m glad that Batista punched him in the face when he tried to hit on his sister. Travis letting his captive go after visiting his sister’s class and having some human conversation is not going to sit well with Gellar, who, as Miami Metro has just discovered, is trying to bring about revelation with his actions rather than just make a freaky point.
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