Thursday, February 23, 2012

What I’m Watching: House of Lies

House of Lies: Season 1, Episode 7 “Bareback Town” (B+)

When this team works well, it works well, but there are so many instances of Marty shutting down the ideas of his subordinates, mainly Jeannie, that he can’t hope to come out of this impending acquisition in any sort of good way. Having Brenda lie to them and cover up some of the discovered information from the study doesn’t help matters, and them screwing her over led to her doing the same thing to them, accepting the job at Pfizer and getting ready to lose Gallweather a major client. Marty’s no cheating policy inspired by his affection for April was awfully inconvenient, as he had both Brenda throwing herself at him and Monica walking around nearly naked in the bathroom trying to have some fun with him. Jeannie really is charged with unthinkable tasks in her role, and she actually handled it quite creatively by drugging the overactive woman. It was fun to see Clyde and Doug fighting over the same woman, played by Peyton List, and realizing that Clyde doesn’t want Doug stealing his spotlight with Marty, though it doesn’t seem like Doug will ever hold a special place in Marty’s heart. Jeremiah’s lupus is an unforeseen complication, and April seems to be doing a strong job of supporting Marty’s family. Unfortunately, she may have just inadvertently broken it up, as Monica seems highly offended by the sight of her playing house with the man she just can’t let go. There’s that dramatic edge rearing its ugly head again, and not the kind of stress Marty needs right now.

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