Sunday, February 5, 2012

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 1, Episode 13 “Root Cause” (B+)

This was a strong episode mainly because it featured a good case and a whole lot of action. Framing a patsy is nothing new, but with Reese at his side, things actually worked out quite well for the good guys despite the fact that things weren’t looking up for most of the hour. Finch proved himself to be a masterful hacker, but in doing so he got tricked, and managed to get his network shut down thanks to an invasive probe that would have revealed far too much of his information. His newfound nemesis should prove to be quite interesting, especially since, for once, she knows more about him than he knows about her. I also have a feeling that Finch won’t be terribly upfront with Reese about this, which could end up becoming a problem since, last we saw, Reese was having Fusco follow Finch because he didn’t think he could trust him. With Fusco absent from this episode, Carter seems to be getting fed up with not being told the whole truth, though I suspect that she would not have been happy to hear that Reese was planning to kidnap a suspect from FBI custody even before the fact. I’m glad to see that this show remembers its past, bringing back fixer Zoe from “The Fix” in a welcome return. It’s especially fun to see how clients react to meeting Finch after dealing only with Reese. As evidenced by their stakeout preparation, they have extremely different work styles.

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