Monday, February 27, 2012

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 3, Episode 17 “Remember Me, I’m the One Who Loves You” (B+)

One of this show’s best couples, however unlikely they were to work out, has always been Crosby and Jasmine. Their flirtation and banter is akin to many of the relationships on this show, and there’s something very sweet about the way they came together when Jasmine brought Jabar back. Though I’m happy to see D.B. Woodside and Courtney Ford I recurring roles as their current partners, I agree with Jabar when I get excited about the notion of them getting back together. The opening tents scene was a perfect introduction to this rain-soaked morning that reunited them after Crosby said that he had lost his perfect family and Jasmine asked if he would still marry her. That’s truly thrilling news, though I’m sure the collateral damage will be somewhat difficult to control. Crosby will also be furious when he finds out what Adam has done, getting an upped offer too high to refuse for the Luncheonette. It’s not entirely clear what’s going to happen with Zoe’s baby, but Julia coached her so well through the process of giving birth, and now it looks like she’ll be devastated since she may not actually get her son. Mark is just full of radical ideas, and I imagine this show would be somewhat hard to maintain if Sarah is all the way in New York, though the timeframe is a year, so there’s no rush to make any major decisions. I like that Sarah went to confide in Kristina, and I especially appreciated her casual reaction to the news that Amber was going to sleep with Bob.

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