Sunday, February 19, 2012

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains

Royal Pains: Season 3, Episode 15 “Hank and the Deep Blue Sea” (B+)

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen or heard from Boris, and now he’s back in a big way, bringing his whole family along for the ride. He’s an intriguing choice to be Carlos’ godfather, but it is true that Boris doesn’t get along well with most of his family. His French cousin Claudette seemed awfully friendly, and her delivery of a mysterious gift for Evan was highly suspicious. I’m not sure how making peace within the family is going to be central on this show, but I suppose that it’s a fine focus since this show could always use a bit of soapy drama. The Raj plotline has now been contained, after Evan, caught in the middle of something he didn’t understand once again, witnessed Raj removing a bee from near Divya and then agreed to buy her shares in HankMed, to be bought back by her when she was able, so that she could pay him back in full. Jill’s nephew Luke sure is energetic, and his boss Quincy proved to be too hyped up on that energy drink. Jack was not doing well on the water, and I’m glad that Jill was able to convince him to come back. Finding out that he died was shocking and tragic, and I doubt it’s something that everyone, particularly Jill, will be able to recover from quickly. Hopefully, Nina will be sticking around to help pick up the pieces and make sure that both Hank and Jill are in an okay place.

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