Monday, February 6, 2012

What I’m Watching: Nikita

Nikita: Season 2, Episode 13 “Clean Sweep” (B+)

We’re back right in the middle of the action here with Percy holding all the cards and a whole handful of parties – including Nikita’s crew and Ari’s team – present to make a an already complex situation even more complicated. Amanda was able to negotiate Percy exiting Division, leaving them both less than satisfied, as Amanda still remains in control of Division and Percy is still alive. His escape from the alpha team was impressive, and I doubt he expected to encounter Nikita, Michael, and Sean, though he did a good job of sowing the seeds of mistrust among them by asserting Michael’s knowledge of the execution of Nikita’s fiancé before the fact. Having the Guardians kill all of Oversight except for Madeline was harsh, and now she seems ready to try for a presidential pardon for Nikita and Michael, gaining herself immunity in exchange for her silence. Everyone seems to have a plan, as Amanda’s secret ally is revealed to be Ari, and she tells Alex that she should reveal herself to the world, which will enable Division to bring down Semak. It’s totally unclear who’s going to be siding with who now that everyone is on their own, and Alex is going to be the link between all parties, I suspect. Roan being publicly allied with Percy is going to change things in a major way, and I’m hopeful that it will make this new “Nikita” even more exciting. Percy is definitely one of the show’s best characters, and turning over a new leaf for him will certainly produce good results.

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