Friday, February 17, 2012

What I'm Watching: Ringer

Ringer: Season 1, Episode 13 “It’s Easy To Cry, When This Much Cash is Involved” (C+)

It’s quite convenient that Bridget is able to tell her driver Solomon that she used to be a drunk and get him to take her to every single place that Siobhan went. She’s getting so close to discovering that her sister is still alive, and that would be productive if the real Siobhan wasn’t one step ahead of her. She is one manipulative, conniving woman, blaming Gemma’s murder on Bridget, deceiving both Henry and Tyler to serve her own aims, and coldly walking out on Andrew when she was in the apartment. She also doesn’t take too kindly to things going on behind her back, like Henry’s forced assistance to Olivia in procuring his father-in-law as a new investor. Whatever Siobhan played for Henry on that tape is sure to have serious implications for everyone, though it’s not clear what just yet. Katherine seems to have found some respect for Siobhan, or rather Bridget, but that’s at the expense of this show’s credibility in terms of its Juliet plotline. I wasn’t sure why there was such a focus on the teenage drama with Juliet, and it was infinitely worse than I could have imagined. The only thing less credible than Mr. C making a move on Juliet based on what we’ve seen of him is him actually going in on a scam with her and Tessa to rip Andrew off. I’m not sure why this needed to be a plotline, and I’m sure it’s not headed anywhere good or productive.

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