Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 3, Episode 6 “Affairs of State” (B+)

It’s nice to see that sometimes people can surprise you, and that’s certainly the case with Caitlin and Alicia. What worries me, however, is that Caitlin seems to have developed an office crush on Will, which is sure to piss Alicia off beyond belief if it ever comes to light. What this episode provided, which was somewhat more unusual, was a peek inside the workings of Peter’s office, absent of him, of course. Dana is an interesting character, and I enjoyed her constant references to detectives on their last weeks of work always asked to stay (“My last week here and I haven’t been shot”). Cary being shuffled from small office to smaller office was amusing, and then to see him get the biggest office of all was quite a coup, about which he seemed entirely shocked. The case of the week was intriguing and highly eventful, with the introduction of the rape app and the Taiwanese suspect literally driving past Alicia on his way to the airport. Will meeting Zack was predictably awkward but much more hilarious than I might have expected, and it was sweet to see Will express his willingness to meet Alicia’s children officially, if that’s what she wanted. It’s no surprise that Eli would have a rocky relationship with an ex-wife, and it was a pleasure to see Parker Posey as Vanessa. Kalinda vetting her was entertaining, as was Eli’s reaction to her having slept with a Bin Laden. It’s reassuring to see that even Eli has a dramatic side, as evidenced by his saddened reaction to discovering that she cheated on him while they were still married.

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