Dexter: Season 6, Episode 12 “This Is the Way the World Ends” (B+)
There’s a certain format that’s come to be expected from season finales of this show, with occasional twists thrown in, but the same general conclusion that usually mainly involves a resolution to the havoc created in previous episodes. This fit that bill except it proved considerably more disconcerting as Dexter finds himself in the middle of the ocean prepared to drown at the start of the episode. His rescue was rather quick but involved even more unexpected violence, which went pretty much undiscussed as those in the boat were grateful for having their lives saved. Coming into the house where Travis had painted his face on the beast threw him for a loop, but he managed to resolve that speedily and efficiently as well. Travis heading to Dexter’s home to set up camp was rather frightening, and we only found out moments before Dexter did that he planned on sacrificing Harrison as the final stage of the path to revelation. Travis being present means that Dexter hasn’t necessarily seen the Ice Truck Killer’s hand sent to him by Louis, and that’s something that could well play into next season as Louis potentially moves into the role of a contractor following his intern stint. The big news is that, after so many years, Deb finally stumbles upon Dexter as he’s in the middle of murdering someone. It’s unclear whether he’ll confess to his many misdeeds or if he’ll lead her to believe that it’s an isolated incident. It’s sure to trump the love plotline that’s been brewing, and definitely going to make for a fascinating season seven. I don’t know why this season has been lambasted so much; I think it’s been one of the strongest yet.
Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Colin Hanks as Travis / Edward James Olson as James Gellar
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