New Girl: Season 1, Episode 9 “The 23rd” (B+)
I’d argue that this may well be the best installment this show has produced yet. Bringing everyone to a party at Schmidt’s office was a great setup that allowed each of them to shine in their own ways, turning normal human interaction into extraordinary awkwardness. Jess’ search for a Christmas gift for Paul was amusing mainly due to her suggested idea of a gift certificate for piping hot sex. Nick having missed his flight four years in a row made it likely that he was going to miss it again, and I enjoyed some of the shenanigans leading up to that. Accidentally telling Paul that Jess didn’t love him was one thing, but fumbling around for words and then getting locked outside with the unhappy couple was considerably funnier. Jess furious at Nick proved to be entertaining as well. I’m glad Winston made a new friend and found himself a high-paying job as well, from Schmidt’s colleague Gina, played by Michaela Watkins, who recurred on this season of “Enlightened” as well. Schmidt standing up to Gillian Vigman’s Kim about her tyrannical attitude about Sexy Santa was fun, and I’m most excited about the relationship between Schmidt and Cece, which is intriguing and highly enjoyable to watch. After actually wearing all of the presents given to them by Jess, the guys managed to do a great job of giving her a perfect gift, taking her to Candy Cane Lane and then shouting at all of the sleeping neighbors in the middle of the night to turn on their lights.
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