Monday, December 12, 2011

What I’m Watching: Psych

Psych: Season 6, Episode 8 “The Tao of Gus” (C+)

I’m not sure what exactly it is that’s gone wrong with this show, but it’s hardly as appealing or funny as it used to be. An episode about a cult is only going to have so much potential, but this isn’t the first time this season that an adventurous installment has proven disappointing. I liked French Stewart better in his guest spot as a nudist on an episode of “Monk,” and it’s interesting to see how he’s being typecast in these peculiar kinds of roles lately. Gus’ continued fascination with, or more accurately, drooling over, random girls is getting to be a bit much, and here he nearly got himself shipped off to India thanks to the reciprocation of his feelings by the murder witness. Shawn being the subject of Dot’s sexual dream was mildly amusing, and I did like how Gus pointed out that he tends to think all fruits are tiny apples. Mainly, however, this installment was a letdown because a drive-by shooting that occurred at Juliet’s home that nearly killed her should have been a prominent part of the hour. I remember when both she and Rachel Leigh Cook were abducted by Yin and Yang, and that was a surprisingly moving, dramatic storyline. Instead, it’s brushed off and almost entirely ignored, once again emphasizing the fact that Shawn and Juliet might as well not be dating. It’s a real shame, since we waited so long for them to actually get together and now it turns out that their relationship wasn’t really worth the wait.

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