Hell on Wheels: Season 1, Episode 6 “Pride, Pomp, and Circumstance” (B+)
Tensions are mounting on all fronts as Durant tries to intimidate the Indians into accepting the dominance of the United States government and realizes he’s hardly invincible. Reverend Cole seems to be the sole advocate for the safety and livelihood of the Indians, but fortunately, he’s a persuasive man, and has managed to enlist Cullen for his cause, ordering his employees not to harm them. After their brawl, Cullen and Elam actually seem to be on good terms, as Elam accepts Cullen’s request to relay the Reverend’s sentiments to his people, so that no one will go after the Indians. Unfortunately, that does mean that the people will be looking for a scapegoat, and Elam seems to be just that person after being caught with a white prostitute. I’m more than a little worried for his fate, though I imagine he’ll cheat death in much the same way that Cullen did recently. The Swede is proving to be a slippery, manipulative fellow, stepping in to back Cullen up when the timing was opportune but revealing himself to be a snitch, informing on Durant’s self-interests. Durant has many forces rallying against him, and the missing $147,000 isn’t doing him any favors. In a twist of fate, however, Lily has decided that she’ll finally hand over her husband’s maps to him, which means that he’ll be able to continue his operation and salvage what’s left of his finances to build this new and revolutionary railroad clear across the United States of America.
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