Wednesday, October 19, 2022

What I’m Watching: Bad Sisters (Season Finale)

Bad Sisters: Season 1, Episode 10 “Saving Grace” (B+)

While this was a terrific finale, it doesn’t leave much room for a second season now that its central mystery has been resolved, but I’m holding out hope that there’s some way that this fantastic cast could be reunited somehow. These characters are so rich and terrific that I feel like there would be a way to do it, especially since each of them had their own motives for killing JP, including the one person who was never a suspect all along. Part of the brilliance of Anne-Marie Duff’s performance is the natural way that she says things, like the apology she made before telling her sisters the story of what actually happened. JP had a tremendous ability to belittle those around him, and telling Grace that she wouldn’t exist if he turned off the light was a new level of cruelty. Blaming Eva for her own miscarriage was a step too far, and she wasted no time in doing what her sisters had tried to do so many times and just strangling him right there. Though he did break some laws - and windows - getting the information, Matt was able to figure everything out too, and he came up with a perfect solution, one that could have fixed all this from the start, which was dropping the claim since no one aside from Matt and Thomas was looking into JP’s death anyway. Everyone got a happy ending, especially Grace, who was laughing again and spending time with her sisters, not mourning the death of the man who had kept her from them for so long. I’m going to be championing this series for recognition come awards time - everyone was so terrific and the writing was superb. Let’s figure out a way to make season two happen!

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Too hard to choose!

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