Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What I’m Watching: Homeland

Homeland: Season 1, Episode 5 “Blind Spot” (A-)

After last week’s whopper of an ending last week, we don’t get to see any more of Carrie and Brody interacting outside of the office, but they do come together in an entirely unexpected way that throws Carrie extremely off guard. The look on her face when she was told that she would be interrogating the prisoner with Saul and Brody was one of absolute horror, and it was so interesting to see how she handled seeing him in that professional setting, pretending not to have seen him at the meeting and being cool to him. Saul is one excellent interrogator, and we also got a peek at his private life that, although he is less emotionally involved than Carrie, still poses an enormous problem for his marriage. This episode felt very much like a thriller as they realized the connection to Raqim Faisel and tried to track him down, with Saul all of a sudden giving his approval for Carrie to go in and try to find him. Saul provided the episode’s most powerful scene when he hung up on Carrie and started saying the Mourner’s Kaddish for the prisoner that had just committed suicide. I can’t believe that Estes let Brody in to talk to the prisoner, and now it seems that he may have slipped him the razor, something else that Carrie can’t prove. Carrie’s visit to Saul’s home did not end well, and their relationship is sure to become increasingly strained. Carrie sleeping in bed with her nieces was a deceptively calm ending for what was an extraordinarily stressful series of events.

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