Bored to Death: Season 3, Episode 8 “Nothing I Can’t Handle By Running Away” (B+)
Here’s an action-packed finale that only this show could deliver. I enjoyed Harrison’s attempts to be parental to his newfound son, telling him that he’s a little short, but otherwise he has a lot going for him, and then giving him a gun before attempting to skip town, only to be snatched by some thugs. Jonathan pursuing him was noble, and it’s too bad that his father’s gift was actually defective. Jonathan calling George for help was a good idea, and I like that he enlisted Ray, who in turn was able to have his League of Rays, all in complete costume, drive him to the stadium to come rescue Jonathan. The field battle was quite entertaining, with George’s announcements and Jonathan’s efforts to take them all out with a baseball bat less than productive. It’s nice that Harrison ultimately came back, a little too late. George managed to be sweet to both women in his life, offering to throw Emily a wedding at the restaurant and telling Josephine that he’s a 63-year-old work in progress who is falling for her. Despite the heavy presence of alcohol at the reception, he actually managed to make it a good event by delivering a terrific toast. Only this show could end with Jonathan deciding not to tell his girlfriend Rose that she’s his sister, something to which Ray, despite his initial warning that Jonathan is weird enough without inbreeding, doesn’t seem to object, telling him that they all have their things. The show has yet to be renewed for a fourth season, but I do hope that we’ll see this wacky bunch again. It’s been a fun year.
Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Jason Schwartzman
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